Cuando quieres que un proyecto en verdad se haga realidad, busca al equipo de Solusync.
Llegué con todas las ideas para mi pagina web y ellos en tiempo record dieron vida a lo que tanto quería. Mucho seguimiento, trabajaron cada requerimiento de la forma que más convenía a la marca, muy actualizados en todos los temas de tecnología, me apoyaron para crear una página muy funcional y apegada a lo que necesito. Estoy feliz, listisima para continuar escalando y muy agradecida con este excelente trabajo.
Norma Peña abril 28, 2021
Before contacting Maria Cristal, I felt overwhelmed with the idea of making my Kajabi in order to launch my online courses and services.
She always went the extra mile to give me peace of mind in the process, but most of all to do it efficiently and quickly.
I learned that many times it is important to trust experts in each area and not want to do everything alone.
I 100% recommend your services, attention and details when developing my platform.
Montserrat Bordas junio 22, 2023
Maria and team are rockstars. They worked and pulled our new site together quickly and it looks awesome. Thanks team! Looking forward to our continued work together.
Antoinette Bond diciembre 8, 2023
Solusync gave me both professional and personal growth. It is the ideal workspace, full of good vibes and brilliant people who share the same passion: making brands something with a unique identity.
Angel Luis Bisonó junio 10, 2022
Nuestra consultoría con Solusync y con María Cristal fue una excelente decisión. Llegamos a ella con muchas dudas y un problema abierto, que gracias a ella logramos resolver casi de inmediato. Aprendimos mucho sobre como maximizar nuestras publicaciones y como refinar nuestra estrategia. Fue un proceso muy fluido, muy hands on y con consejos nos han sido muy útiles. 100% recomendados
Carol Croussett septiembre 20, 2021
More than a mentor, our meeting is similar to a conversation between friends. I loved his closeness, his direction, his approach and above all, his instructions.
It gave me the motivation I needed to continue working towards my goals and projects.
Super recommended.
Asesores y Consultores Mora F mayo 11, 2023
The strategy session with María Cristal far exceeded my expectations! I never thought that in just 1 hour I would receive so many answers, suggestions and steps to follow. His so accurate look, immediately detects what needs to be eliminated, improved and/or added, with sharpness and warmth, he gave me a clear compass so as not to get lost in the processes. And as if that were not enough, he then gave me a clear and concise written summary of the topics covered in the session.
I finally found what I was looking for a long time!
Thank you María Cristal, this has been only the first step of many others that will come from your hand.
ana vassallo febrero 14, 2022
A few years ago I lost all information on my website, looking for an option to buy a template which had the content that my clients needed. I felt sad and empty with the platform and the treatment of the company that supplied the product. I had even abandoned the Instagram and Facebook of my company, it was not what I felt, what my heart projected.
On December 28, 2021 I said: I can't continue feeling this way about myself, my identity. I had known Maria Cristal for more than 10 years and something told me that she was the ideal person to capture what my heart felt. Take action:
I sent him a message and he replied immediately. From the first contact I felt that positive energy and that desire to help me, to make my project his own. In minutes we already had our first coordinated meeting. He visited me with his great team, and I freed my mind, I literally felt as if a water pipe had been uncovered that had not flowed for a long time.
After expressing what I wanted, the solusync team took action, they promised me to have my website with all my requests ready in 30 days, not even 15 days had passed and everything was ready and set up.
I cannot explain to you the peace of mind that I felt from that moment, and not only that: we were always on the same page, the enthusiasm, diligence, speed with which my ideas materialized was enormous!
Today, my employees, my style, my company: they became what my heart feels again!!! And how perhaps you will be able to realize, we still have not fulfilled the 30 days that they promised me and we are 100% in the use of the page and all the products that you request.
I am beyond grateful to Maria Cristal and her entire team for the great work they do, and the passion with which they work! I say to all voice: THANK YOU!!! They exceeded my expectations!! They were more than I dreamed of and I finally see my dreams come true!
Gisselle Altagracia Santos Diaz enero 19, 2022
Today I had a strategic session with María Cristal (Solusync), it was very productive. I very much appreciate your powerful questions and the opportunity to find within myself the answers to my points of improvement. Excellent time! Thank you María Cristal & her team at "Solusync"
José Ariel Gil | Personal Finance Coach 💯
José Ariel Gil. noviembre 30, 2023
En ocasiones anteriores mi negocio utilizó servicios similares y puedo confirmar que el mejor de todos fue Solusync, un trato muy profesional y personalizado. Los mejores de America Latina.
Luis Josep Batista julio 13, 2020
Solusync me regalo un crecimiento tanto profesional como personal. Es el espacio de trabajo ideal, lleno de buenas vibras y personas brillantes que comparten una misma pasión: hacer de las marcas algo con identidad única.
Angel Luis Bisonó junio 10, 2022
The strategic session with Maria Cristal and his team was exactly what he needed to take my business to the next level. He guided me and explained clearly the steps to take to achieve my goal, he pointed out what things should be improved to potentialize what I currently have, and shared the tools that I can use to achieve it. Your professionalism and knowledge of matter is impressive and transmits it without effort and understandably for anyone. Nor mention the summary they share after the session, which includes every detail of everything discussed. It is a complete package. Excellent work! I definitely recommend it 100%.
Cristina Noboa febrero 4, 2022
From the first meeting the Team understood my goal and in a brainstorming session the working method was defined. The most surprising thing is that everything was ready on the scheduled date. After delivery, the page was praised and we received congratulations from our ISO-9001 Auditor, this confirms once again that the Solusync team not only understands the client's needs, but also goes hand in hand with innovation giving off values. added to their clients. Simply thanks!
Virgilio Rodriguez Moya julio 8, 2023
Working hand in hand with Solusync has been an excellent experience. They are very responsible in delivery times, at their disposal to help you achieve what your business needs on a digital level. In short, when you work with them, there is a before and after with your brand.
Alexandra Mercader agosto 17, 2021
I am very happy with the advisory service provided by María's team, the level of understanding and communication were key to the success of our first meeting, it was understood and what I was looking for was captured, I am sure that it will help me make my ideas come true of my business. Thanks Maria!
Nicole Herrera julio 19, 2023
La sesión estratégica con Maria Cristal y su equipo fue EXACTAMENTE lo que necesitaba para llevar mi negocio al próximo nivel. Me guió y me explicó claramente los pasos a tomar para lograr mi meta, me señaló específicamente cuales cosas debía mejorar para potencializar lo que tengo actualmente, y compartió las herramientas que puedo utilizar para lograrlo. Su profesionalidad y conocimiento de la materia es impresionante y lo transmite sin esfuerzo y de manera entendible para cualquiera. Ni mencionar el resumen que comparten luego de la sesión, el cual incluye cada detalle de todo lo conversado. Es un paquete completo. ¡Excelente trabajo! Sin duda lo recomiendo 100%.
Cristina Noboa febrero 4, 2022
La sesión estratégica con María Cristal excedió ampliamente mis expectativas! Nunca pensé que en tan solo 1 hora iba a recibir tantas respuestas, sugerencias y pasos a seguir. Su mirada tan acertada, enseguida detecta lo que hay que eliminar, mejorar y/o agregar, con agudeza y calidez, me aportó una brújula clara para no perderme en los procesos. Y como si fuera poco, luego me entregó un resumen escrito, claro y conciso de los temas abordados en la sesión.
Al fin encontré lo que estuve buscando mucho tiempo!
Gracias María Cristal, este ha sido sólo el primer paso de muchos otros que vendrán de tu mano.
ana vassallo febrero 14, 2022
I came to them with a problem on social media that I couldn't solve and that was limiting my local business on the media. In less than two days they have taken over my social networks and not only have they given it character, uniformity, professionalism, quality, efficiency and order but they have solved the problem I had with the location of the business. If I could give it more stars I would do it without thinking, truly a very high quality work. Thank you all! You are more than spectacular 💕
Patricia Quesada Vega octubre 2, 2021
When María Cristal told me the first time that my page would be ready in five days from the delivery of the information, I silently thought “what's up!”, I didn't think it would be possible. After all, I have participated in so many web page developments that I already thought this was impossible.
To my surprise, on the third day after the start of the project my page was ready and published. The design was beautiful, better than he had dreamed of: elegant, intuitive, simple. And the functionality 🔝🌟!
The only changes we had to make came from my content, that is, things that in the user experience I realized would work better otherwise. After 2 more days of exchanging emails and minor adjustments: voila!
María Cristal is the perfect ally for me: she understands me the first time, she challenges me, she brings me a lot of value, she confronts me with sweetness and respect and the quality of her work is extraordinary. I recommend her with my eyes closed, I declare myself a fan and I look forward to working with her on many more projects.
Leslie Torres noviembre 24, 2021
Excelente experiencia con solusync, mi logo lo realizaron tal cual lo imaginé, sin dudas son fenomenales. mi marca la confío en ustedes!!
Jorge Santana julio 25, 2018
A clear strategic session focused on the individuality of my business and experience. No theories, just recommendations based on extensive experience in the digital market and no hidden sales. After this strategic session I was able to verify that Solusync and Maria Cristal are aligned with my values because they are confident in their speech that a client's success determines their own success. I would hire your services again for the growth of my digital business
Gisela Rodriguez noviembre 22, 2023
Buen trato de parte de María Cristal y todo su equipo.
Pronta respuesta, Buena disposición y estoy conforme con el resultado obtenido.
Paul Ramos enero 14, 2020
Hi, I'm Mabel Luciano and I'm the owner of No Need to Cheat. I took previous consultancies with María Cristal where she taught me that my business needed a new face of the web, so I knew that by putting it with her I would be in the best hands. For a period of one month we worked together on the web, María Cristal and her team gave us excellent treatment and recommendations and guided the web towards increasing sales and the flow of people. I have a month with the new website and I can tell the difference in terms of sales and also, I could see that interested people needed to clarify fewer doubts due to how well explained the website was. 100% recommended for an E-commerce that needs to reinvent itself or launch from scratch.
Mabel Luciano junio 7, 2021
A great experience and excellent service.
Juan Bojos S.R.L. agosto 23, 2018
Ante todo gracias a Solusync por su entrega en nuestro proyecto de Marketing Digital, trabajar con ustedes ha sido una experiencia diferente y enriquecedora. El Colegio tiene otra perspectiva digital en favor a la nueva generación de Familias.
Solusync es una compañía confiable, transparente y con gustos afines a todos los sectores.
Gracias nuevamente y continuaremos trabajando.
Simón Ozcoidi agosto 18, 2021
Best work team and excellent work environment!
Susibel Brito junio 19, 2019
Encantada con el servicio. Me dieron respuesta inmediatamente y cumplieron con todos mis requisitos y más. Definitivamente de mi parte es un 10/10 para Solusync. Mil gracias!!
Koni Jaquez mayo 14, 2018
¡Excelente equipo! Un ambiente donde trabajar es más que cumplir un horario y tener deberes, es llevar tu visión a un nivel de creatividad mayor.
Danel Alexandra Nouel Alba agosto 9, 2017
Excelente servicio y atenciones; Entrega en tiempo récord. Encantados con el resultado final. 10/10
Manuel Vallejo junio 25, 2018
Thanks to my Kajabi expert, Maria Cristal, we had the perfect design and functionality for the landing of our Copy Master online course, which was carried out in record time and allowed us to close with the leads that came in. I can't imagine a launch without Maria Cristal as an ally.
Patricia Peña noviembre 1, 2023
Empieza a escribir para ver las entradas que buscas.