BRIEF Naming Request for a BrandContents0.1 Naming Request for a Brand1 Information about the Project Manager2 About the Company, Brand or Project3 About the Name This questionnaire is designed to give the naming team a better understanding of your brand. We want to create a name that captures the personality, core and future of your brand and clearly differentiates your company or organization from others in your industry. Please answer all the questions you find useful. All information you provide is completely confidential and will not be used for any purpose beyond the scope of this project or disclosed to third parties outside of Solusync.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Brand2Brief3Naming4BudgetInformation about the Project ManagerName *NameLast NameEmail *WhatsAppName of the Company, Brand or Business GroupTax IDAddressAddress Line 1CityState / Province / RegionNextAbout the Company, Brand or ProjectBrief overview of the situation to be resolved, be it the market, the product / service, the company / brandDescriba brevemente su empresa u organización a alguien que no tiene conocimiento de ella:💡Imagine that you are in a shopping center sitting on a bench or you go by public transport, they see you in uniform and they ask you "what does that company do? How would you explain it to them?"¿Qué nombres de marca están actualmente en uso en su empresa?¿Qué productos o servicios vas a vender?• Does the company control its sales, does it have points of sale, or does someone else distribute it? How do they arrive, are they captured directly, are they referred, or is it mandatory to use the brand? Physical, online store, distributors …• If you are just starting out, what products or services will you sell? Please describe briefly your products, services, or categories. • What is the pricing policy for your products / services? Share your price list. If you need a web page design service: How many units do you plan to sell? Tell us in detail. The design of the web can vary greatly depending on the product sector, it does not require the same level of design as a fashion company as a building materials company.Cuéntanos sobre la empresa... ¿En qué industria va a competir el nombre de tu marca?• Years of operation. How long have you been operating?• When was the business founded? How long have you been offering services? • Size (number of employees) • If you have already defined it, write your Mission, Vision, and Corporate Values here. • What industry does the brand compete in? • Do you have a corporate social responsibility program? Do you support any cause? • Brands it representsWhat is the profile of your potential clients? Who is your desired target audience?• Describe your target audience: gender, age, geography, and other demographic characteristics. If there are new niches you want to reach, let us know. • What percentage of your audience are men? What percentage of your audience are women? 0% • 25% • 50% • 75% • 100% • Level of education of your clients. (Bachelor or lower, University, Master's degree, PhD) • Average monthly income of your clients. • How do you establish relationships and communication with the client? • What is the problem of your target audience that needs a solution? What are the pain points of your target audience? What is the profile of your potential clients? Who is your desired target audience?• Describe your target audience: gender, age, geography, and other demographic characteristics. If there are new niches you want to reach, let us know. • What percentage of your audience are men? What percentage of your audience are women? 0% • 25% • 50% • 75% • 100% • Level of education of your clients. (Bachelor or lower, University, Master's degree, PhD) • Average monthly income of your clients. • How do you establish relationships and communication with the client?NextAbout the NameIs this project for an existing brand?Yes, the brand already exists, and we want to change the nameNo, the company is new and we have not defined the name. We need help!Nombre actual de la marca o empresa que necesita un nuevo nombre¿Qué nombres de marcas se utilizan actualmente en la empresa? Cuéntanos un poco sobre el nombre que necesitas. Responde a todas las preguntas en la descripción:Answer all these questions: • In what language should your brand name be and why? • Do you see your name as an abbreviation :? Example: IBM, UPS, BMW, LG, HP? • Is your brand name going to be used in international markets?: • Do you have a preference for a particular type of name?:Is there a word or phrase that MUST be included in your name?Are there words, phrases, or concepts to avoid?Are there any words or phrases that MUST NOT be included in your name?Is there a word or phrase that you would like to include in your name?Identify 10 or more words that you would like to communicate to your consumer about your business:Write five (5) brand names that you really like: Write five (5) brand names that you do NOT like:What color do you see your name?Your brand name must be: FeminineNeutroMasculine FeminineLogo Type FemaleNeutroTipo de Logo NeutroMasculineLogo Type Male ModestOstentatious ModestTipo de Logo ModestoOstentatiousTipo de Logo Ostentoso SimpleSophisticated SimpleTipo de Logo SencilloSophisticatedSophisticated Logo Type EconomicLuxurious EconomicEconomic Logo TypeLuxuriousLogo Type Luxurious LocalGlobal LocalTipo de Logo LocalGlobalTipo de Logo Global CasualFormal CasualTipo de Logo CasualFormalTipo de Logo Formal TraditionalModern TraditionalTipo de Logo TradicionalModernModern Logo Type Additional InformationPlease let us know if there is anything else we need to know before starting your naming project.NextTotal Estimated Budget in US Dollars USD $$0.00+ 18% of ITBIS (Dom. Rep.).This is an estimate of the budget based on the needs that your brand has and that you have selected in this brief, it does not mean that it is the final price. We will evaluate according to the brief what the brand really needs. Voucher TypeTax Credit (01)Consumption (02)Informal Provider (11)Special Regime (14)Governmental (15)Send