BRIEF Digital Campaign Request with Facebook and Instagram AdsContents0.1 Digital Campaign Request with Facebook and Instagram Ads1 Information about the Project Manager2 About the Company, Brand or Project3 Digital Advertising Campaign4 Email Marketing5 Estimated Budget in US Dollars USD $ Please, complete this form to learn more about your project and thus be able to send you a budget adjusted to your needs. This will allow us to take a closer look at your project and the resources and requirements necessary to implement it. If any of the questions are not relevant to your case, or you just don't know the answer, you can leave it unanswered and we'll talk about it later. Thanks for your interest in working with us.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Brand2Campaign3BudgetInformation about the Project ManagerName *NameLast NameEmail *Mobile *Name of the Company, Brand or Business Group *Tax IDAddressAddress Line 1CityState / Province / RegionHow willing and able are you to invest in growing your business right now?I have the financial resources to invest.I have access to financial resources to invest.I don't have access to the financial resources to invest.NextAbout the Company, Brand or ProjectBrief overview of the situation to be resolved, be it the market, the product/service, the company/brand.Tell us about the company ... • Years of operation. How long have you been operating?• When was the business founded? How long have you been offering services? • Size (number of employees) • If you have already defined it, write your Mission, Vision, and Corporate Values here. • What industry does the brand compete in? • Do you have a corporate social responsibility program? Do you support any cause? • Brands it representsAre you selling products or services? Please describe them. How is it distributed?• How do you distribute your products or services? Physical store, online, distributors ... Where do you currently sell? • If you are just starting out, what products or services will you sell? Please describe briefly your products, services, or categories. • What is the pricing policy for your products / services? Share your price list. • Geographic coverage (cities, states or countries) What is the profile of your potential clients? Who is your desired target audience?• Describe your target audience: gender, age, geography, and other demographic characteristics. If there are new niches you want to reach, let us know. • What percentage of your audience are men? What percentage of your audience are women? 0% • 25% • 50% • 75% • 100% • Level of education of your clients. (Bachelor or lower, University, Master's degree, PhD) • Average monthly income of your clients. • How do you establish relationships and communication with the client?Are sales increasing or decreasing? We need you to be very transparent with us in order to help you.What type of advertising have you used? Have you bet on the internet in the field of communication on another occasion? • Example: Social Media • Google Ads • Facebook / Instagram Ads • Newspapers / Magazines • Radio / TV • Telemarketing • What positive or negative results did you obtain? • What kinds of promotions worked best in the past? What were the results? • What kinds of promotions have worked worst in the past? What were the results? • Mention taglines that you have used in previous campaigns.Digital Advertising CampaignAdvertising or promotions paid to Facebook / Instagram are paid directly from the customer's advertiser account with their credit card. Facebook does not generate tax receipt. What is the objective of this campaign?What product or service are you going to sell? Is it a recognition, interaction or conversion campaign? Do you already have the visual, photo or video content? What is your budget to invest?Do you have an Instagram account?YesNo, please create my Instagram accountDo you have a Facebook business page?YesNo, please create my Fan Page on FacebookDo you have a Commercial Administrator or Business Manager on Facebook created for your business?Yes, I would give Solusync the accessYes, but I don't know how to give you access, you have to do itNo, please create itDo you have the Business Manager connected to your Fan Page, Instagram account and ads manager? All your business assets should be in one place. Yes, everything is configured and I will give you access to SolusyncI think it is configured but if something is missing please fix itI don't have it, please create and configure everythingDo you have an active ad account with a credit card set up on Facebook?Yes, I would give Solusync the accessYes, but I don't know how to give access, I need you to do itNo, please create itWhat is the ID of your ad account?We will request access as an agency to manage your adsDo you have the Facebook pixel active on your website?Yes, it's already activeI do not have a web pageNo, but I have a web page, can you configure it?What are the URLs of your website and your social media accounts?Current web pageExample: https://solusync.comWhat is the current state of your website? Who developed it? Who runs it? What is the current web-centric budget?Copy and paste the web link to each of your social networks. Example: MarketingDo you have an account set up in an Email Marketing service provider such as Mailchimp?YesNo, please configure itDo you have your own customer database? YesNo, I need us to come up with a strategyEmail Marketing is not sending emails to people who do not know you or have not authorized you to send email, that is SPAMEmail Marketing Provider Payment (Kajabi, ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, Benchmark Email or other)I confirm that I am aware that I will have to pay the software or provider costs for the service with my credit card.Tell us a bit about your current resources. (Follow the list below)• What team do you have? (number of people, available hours and qualifications) • What paid tools are you using in your business? • What software, apps or other tools you use to boost your business • What is your current marketing structure? Tell us if you have a website, e-commerce, social media, blog, etc. • Do you have a customer database or CRM? Do you know the emails, birthdays or other information of your clients? • Do you have an approximate or fixed marketing budget? Which is it?Some aspects that you would like to study in depth. Any other consideration or observation: Your opinion is important.PreviousNextEstimated Budget in US Dollars USD $This is an estimate of the budget based on the needs of your brand and what you have selected in this brief. It does not mean that it is the final price. We will evaluate according to the brief what the brand really needs. Presupuesto Total Estimado en RD$ / DOP$0.00+ 18% ITBISVoucher TypeTax Credit (01)Consumption (02)Informal Provider (11)Special Regime (14)Governmental (15)Project urgencyNeed immediate availabilityIt would have to start in less than a month.It is not particularly urgent, but I also do not want it to be delayed too long.It's not urgent, I can wait for up to 60 days.It is a longer-term project.We are so passionate about what we do day by day that we give ourselves completely as if your brand were ours. Are you willing and able to invest in growing your business if we can work with you right away?Let's start! I have the financial resources to invest.Let me get organized, but I have access to financial resources to invest.I don't have access to the financial resources to invest.Send