BRIEF Consulting RequestContents0.1 Consulting Request1 Information about the Project Manager2 Online Business3 Advisory and Consulting Session4 Estimated Total Budget in USD / US Dollars Please complete this form to learn more about your project and send you a budget tailored to your needs. This allows us to examine the resources and requirements necessary to implement it. If any of the questions are not relevant to your case, or you do not know the answer, you can leave it unanswered, and we will talk about it later. Thank you for your interest in working with us.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Brand2Brief3BudgetInformation about the Project ManagerName *NameLast NameEmail *Mobile *Name of the Company, Brand or Business Group *If applyTax IDIf applyAddressAddress Line 1CityState / Province / RegionHow willing and able are you to invest in growing your business right now?I have the financial resources to invest.I have access to financial resources to invest.I don't have access to the financial resources to invest.Is this consulting for personal or corporate brand?Personal BrandCorporate BrandNextProblems you want to solve If you are here, it's because you're looking for a solution. Tell us: what's the problem? What caused it? When was it detected? How have you tried to solve it? What is your main frustration right now about your business? What actions have you taken to solve this? Why is it important to you that this is fixed or changed soon? We want to know in depth what you need to help boost your business and successfully build or transform your brand. What is your goal?How do you want to feel about your business 6 months from now?What is the current reality? Tell us about the brand or company• Years of operation. How long have you been operating?• When was the business founded? How long have you been offering services? • Size (number of employees) • If you have already defined it, write your Mission, Vision, and Corporate Values here. • What industry does the brand compete in? • Do you have a corporate social responsibility program? Do you support any cause? • Brands it representsWhat are the names and prices of all your products and services?• What is your highest value product or service? • How do you distribute your products or services? Physical store, online, distributors ... • If you are just starting out, what products or services are you going to sell? Please briefly describe your products, services or categories. • What is the pricing policy for your products / services? Share your price list. • Geographic Coverage (cities, states or countries) Where do you currently trade?What is the profile of your potential clients? Who is your desired target audience?• Describe your target audience: gender, age, geography, and other demographic characteristics. If there are new niches you want to reach, let us know. • What percentage of your audience are men? What percentage of your audience are women? 0% • 25% • 50% • 75% • 100% • Level of education of your clients. (Bachelor or lower, University, Master's degree, PhD) • Average monthly income of your clients. • How do you establish relationships and communication with the client?Are sales increasing or decreasing? We need you to be very transparent with us in order to help you.What is your website?What are the URLs of your active social media profiles?Copy and paste the web link to each of your social networks. Example: you an expert who wants to go from offline to online?YesDoes not applyIt only applies if you have the substance and experience in your area to sustain a digital business based on your knowledge.Online BusinessWe are experts in creating and managing digital businesses based on educational experiences, automated funnels and digital ecosystems that generate sales every day for your clients and your business. This service is for you if you have the substance and experience in your area to sustain a digital business based on your knowledge.Do you consider yourself a digital entrepreneur?Beginning Digital EntrepreneurAdvanced Digital EntrepreneurWhy do you want to start a digital business? What does your online business do?Do you live exclusively from your business?What is the skill, talent or experience that you want to share with the world?What skills are your strengths as a digital entrepreneur?What are the top 3 frustrations of the person you want to help? What is the main problem you solve for your clients?What are the first 3 steps to help them?What is your sales goal in your first year of business?Are you willing to live the process and serve with excellence?How do you help others with your business?How many people have you helped?What do you love the most about your business?What do you enjoy the most about your work and business?What do you not tolerate about your business?What is the next product you want to create?If you had a whole month to organize your business, what would you focus your attention on?What are the areas that your business needs to improve to take advantage of its true potential?Why do you want to work with an Online Business Coach for your business?What do you want to achieve from your job with a certified Online Business Coach?Advisory and Consulting SessionWhat kind of accompaniment do you need? [1:1 Strategic Consulting Session][Strategic Consulting Session + 1: 1 Implementation]CONSULTING: - We talk and guide you in your next steps to follow. Do you want to "pick our brain? Are you stuck in one or more areas of the digital world and just want someone to point you in the right direction? Then this 1: 1 coaching session is for you." - Through Screen Sharing in Zoom - 1: 1 Individual Private Counseling - We share the recording - Mind Maps for Clarity and Direction - Focus on your Goals and Objectives - Results-oriented if you take action CONSULTORÍA + IMPLEMENTACIÓN: - We guide you and "get down to it" with you live, to help you take action. If you have a website, networks, etc. and you need to see how it is done, we will do it during the session. Does not include out-of-session implementation. - Through Screen Sharing in Zoom - 1: 1 Individual Private Counseling - We share the recording - Mind Maps for Clarity and Direction - Focus on your Goals and Objectives - Results-oriented if you take action The consultancies are individual. Both options are paid by the hour. The results depend on you taking action. What modality do you need? Virtual or Face-to-face?Virtual via ZoomIn person at our officeIndividual consultancies, guests are not allowed. How many counseling sessions do you need? *1 hour 2 hours 1 month (4 sessions of 1 hour)3 months (12 sessions of 1 hour)How many sessions do you need of Consulting + Implementation *1 hour 2 hours1 month (4 sessions of 1 hour)3 months (12 sessions of 1 hour)Tell us a bit about your current resources. (Follow the list below)• Do you have a work team? What roles / functions do they fulfill? (No. of people, available hours and qualification of each one) • What payment tools do you use in the business? • What software, apps or other tools do you use to boost your business? • What is your current marketing structure? Tell us if you have a website, e-commerce, social media, blog, etc. • Do you have a customer database or CRM? • Do you know your client's emails, birthdays or other information? • Do you have an approximate or fixed marketing budget? Which is it?Make a list of all your questions or doubts. Also share any aspect you would like to delve into. *What email marketing system do you use?What email marketing system do you use?• How many subscribers do you have at the moment?• Do you consider that your subscribers are qualified and have purchasing power for your products?• How often do you communicate with your subscriber list?Have you done a funnel, promotion or sale in your business before? How often?What were the results obtained? What email marketing system do you use? (copy)What email marketing system do you use?• How many subscribers do you have at the moment?• Do you consider that your subscribers are qualified and have purchasing power for your products?• How often do you communicate with your subscriber list?NextEstimated Total Budget in USD / US DollarsThis is an estimate of the budget based on the needs you have selected in this brief. The final price may vary.$ 0.00Rate does not include taxes. Counseling Sessions Rates: • 1 hour - USD 150 • 2 hours - USD 275 • 1 hour per week (1 month) - USD 500 • 3 months (12 sessions of 1 hour) - USD 1,200 Consulting + Implementation Rates: • 1 hour - USD 260 • 2 hours - USD 500 • 1 month (1 hour per week) - USD 900 • 3 months (12 sessions of 1 hour) - USD 2,500Project urgencyNeed immediate availabilityIt would have to start in less than a month.It is not particularly urgent, but I also do not want it to be delayed too long.It's not urgent, I can wait for up to 60 days. It is a longer-term project.Voucher TypeTax Credit (01)Consumption (02)Informal Provider (11)Special Regime (14)Governmental (15)We are so passionate about what we do every day, that we give ourselves completely as if your brand were ours. If selected by our team, are you willing to invest from 3,000 USD for the professional support, strategy and results of a certified Online Business Coach?Let's get started! I am willing and have the financial resources to invest.Let me organize myself, but I have the willingness and access to financial resources to invest.I am not willing to grow my business or I do not have access to the financial resources to invest.Send5018